Building Information Modeling(Free PDF )

 A Strategic Implementation Guide for Architects, Engineers, Constructors, and Real Estate Asset Managers 


  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • CHAPTER 1 Creating an Industry and Opportunity
  • CHAPTER 2 BIM implementation strategies
  • CHAPTER 3 Business process reform
  • CHAPTER 4 BIM-based workflow
  • CHAPTER 5 The Path of Life
  • CHAPTER 6 Building Exchange Issues
  • CHAPTER 7 Creating Data Exchange
  • CHAPTER 8 The Way Forward
  • Bibliography
  • Phone book


“It was a good time, it was a very bad time…,” said Charles Dickens.

They did not tell the truth. Although he is talking about the French Revolution, the same thing is happening in our time, in the early twentieth century. The economic crisis is spreading all over the world, causing everyone to worry about the future. But that’s not the worst thing I mean. I am talking about the difficulties of the construction industry, the difficulties in implementing projects due to the weakening and resistant industry.

But in the midst of this apparent struggle and conflicting interests, there are many opportunities and therefore good times. The authors of this book are Dana K. Smith and Michael Tardif recognize, capture, and exploit this opportunity in a meaningful and comprehensive way through several emerging technologies and the best ways to use them.

Building Information Modeling, or BIM, is not the wave of the future; BIM uses computer-aided design (CAD) to tie all parts of a building together as a single, data-rich object. A simple computer design becomes pregnant with information that tracks the product, its cost, delivery, installation methods, labor costs, and maintenance to its value. More importantly, BIM allows computer-aided design of a building before the concrete is laid on the ground. This goes a long way in identifying and resolving common errors that occur during construction due to designs not aligning properly during creation. Troubleshooting a computer model is generally part of what is required to fix a bug. In Building Information Modeling: How to Implement Construction Strategies for Architects, Engineers, Architects, and Property Managers, the authors discuss the amazing capabilities of BIM without overlooking its drawbacks, giving readers a better understanding of how to incorporate the technology into their projects. In a practical way, it still holds very exciting promise for near-future possibilities. This practical approach to the present and insight into possible futures gives the book an interesting tension that keeps the reader moving forward and eager to learn more.

Practically, BIM technology is beginning to meet the long-term needs of the construction industry: it helps to measure construction standards, especially the integration of information technology and methods. has changed the way we design and build our buildings over the last 20-30 years. This can have a significant impact right from the start, as the $1,288 million construction industry was estimated to produce more waste than 57 percent of industries, according to a 2004 study (James E. Diekmann et al., “Implementing Industrial Standards for Industry,” Austin, Texas: Construction Industry Institute, 2004) This translates into losses of more than $600 billion each year. Capturing even a small percentage of this can be a sign, and the authors believe BIM will succeed in this and much more.

BIM also has many unfulfilled promises. Although the authors do not spend much time on these topics, there is still a strong perception that BIM, used in its entirety, can move from the building-construction process to a management model. and the activities of the classrooms in which the building is located. This is truly representative of all projects and allows the construction profession to play a key role in lifecycle management across the building lifecycle. Architects will be very helpful in determining how operations will be organized, where the building should adapt to the market and workforce, and how it will increase client productivity after construction. BIM integrates key elements of the client’s business and processes through what can be called Enterprise Architecture, making the whole better than the sum of its parts. Additionally, an architect who uses BIM to coordinate workflow by work product will see better results in both performance and reward, further highlighting the role of construction. But this is the next book I invite authors to write! Currently, BIM is changing the way the built environment is created and maintained. This book provides one of the most detailed explanations of how this happens and why it matters. Good design always requires project management, but with BIM, good design is achieved more efficiently and less expensively.

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