Mechanism and Machine Theory ( Free PDF )

Content Preface This book covers a number of common technical studies. It is located under the name ‘Theory of Machines.’ Over the years, knowledge in this field has expanded tremendously in both breadth and depth. The themes and sonic dimensions of the most significant books published in the last 40 years consistently reflect this. Let’s

Gas Turbine Engineering ( Free PDF )

Handbook Second Edition Content Preface Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook The manual covers design, manufacturing, installation, gas turbine performance, and maintenance. The third book isn’t just any ordinary book. Technological innovation in the gas turbine field took a step forward in 2000, but today I am also writing a few chapters to answer better questions about

Mechanics of Solids ( Free PDF )

Content Preface Every engineering student interested in expanding their analytical skills should take the highly recommended course “Mechanics of Solids.” The students gain the capacity to solve structural problems that involve continuous components throughout the semester by applying the ideas of mechanics to the study of physical components. This allows the students to develop their

Mechanical Engineers’ Handbook Third Edition ( Free PDF )

Materials and Mechanical Design Edited by Myer Content Preface Two primary sections comprise the first portion of the third chapter of the mechanical engineering textbook. The first section, “Materials,” comprises a total of fourteen chapters. These chapters cover topics such as metals, polymers, composites, ceramics, and smart materials. This study encompasses the following types of

Mechanical Engineering Principles 2nd Edition.( FREE PDF )

Content Preface With the help of ideas from Mechanics 2, the reader will be able to broaden their understanding of the fundamental ideas that underlie mechanical design and mechanical system design. Modern technical systems and products continue to rely on concepts that are both steady and dynamic in order to fulfill their functions. Statistical laws govern

Engineering mechanics and engineering design ( Free PDF )

Content Preface Mechanical engineering, which defines the movements of things and the forces associated with these movements, is the fundamental concept that supports engineering. Mechanical engineering is the foundation of engineering.Structural mechanics studies the equilibrium of forces and the resulting stresses and deformations over time. We construct the material to not only withstand shock but

Quantum mechanics ( Free PDF )

The theoretical minimum Content Preface Albert Einstein, widely regarded as the father of quantum mechanics, harbored a complex relationship with the subject. His conversations with Niels Bohr (Bohr’s acceptance of quantum mechanics and Einstein’s deep skepticism) are famous in the history of science. Most physicists generally accept that Bohr prevailed and Einstein lost. I, along

Mechanical Engineering Principles (Free PDF)

Content Preface Mechanics Principles, Third Edition The purpose of the ideas is to broaden the reader’s understanding of the fundamental ideas that underlie the design of machines and the development of mechanical systems.Modern technical systems and products continue to rely on concepts that are both steady and dynamic in order to fulfill their functions. Statistical

Engineering Mechanics ( Free PDF )

Content Preface Within the standard field known as engineering mechanics, statics and dynamics are straightforward topics. To avoid oversimplification, engineering mechanics is the branch of engineering that deals with the behavior of our bodies under the influence of forces.  Statics and dynamics form the foundation of traditional engineering fields such as car engineering, civil engineering,

Engineering Rock Mechanics ( Free PDF)

Content Preface What does this book’s title, Engineering Rock Mechanics, mean? Generally, it refers to a discipline that uses mechanics to design buildings or structures. The field encompasses the design of building foundations, dams, slopes, canals, caves, energy systems, mines, and so on. The interaction between the rock and the engineering structure strongly influences these