Civil Engineering Quantities


  • Scope of Civil Engineering Works and Method ofMeasurementIntroduction – Development of Civil Engineering Codesof Measurement – Scope of Civil EngineeringWorks – Comparison of Civil Engineering and BuildingMethods of Measurement
  • Civil Engineering Contracts and Contract DocumentsThe Nature and Form of Contracts – Enforcement ofContracts – Validity of Contracts – Remedies forBreach of Contract – Main Characteristics of CivilEngineering Contracts – Types of Contract Encounteredin Civil Engineering Works – Form and Purpose ofContract Documents, including Reference to AppropriateClauses in ICE Conditions of Contract
  • General Arrangement and Contents of Civil Engineering Billsof Quantities 42Introduction – Definitions – General Principles -Application of the Work Classification – Coding andNumbering of Items – Preparation of Bills of Quantities:List of Principal Quantities, Preamble, Prime Cost Items,Provisional Sums, Quantities
  • Method-related Charges and Pricing and Measurement ofCivil Engineering WorkMethod-related Charges: Underlying Philosophy,Objectives, Division into Time-related and FixedCharges, Application, Advantages and Disadvantages-Class A: General Items – Effect of CESMM on Pricing-Measurement Processes
  • Measurement of Ground Investigation, GeotechnicalProcesses, Demolition and Site Clearance 80General Principles -Typical Ground Investigation Bill -Worked Example of Measurement of Site Clearance
  • Measurement of EarthworksGeneral Principles- Worked Example of Measurementof Excavation and Filling
  • Measurement of ConcreteGeneral Principles- Worked Examples of Measurementof Mass Concrete Retaining Wall, Reinforced ConcretePumping Station and Prestressed Concrete Beams
  • Measurement of Brickwork, Blockwork, Masonry, Painting,Waterproofing and Simple Building Works incidental toCivil Engineering WorksGeneral Principles- Worked Examples of Measurementof Tall Brick Chimney Shaft, Deep Brick Manhole,Stone-faced Sea Wall and Pumphouse
  • Measurement of PilingGeneral Principles- Worked Examples of Measurementof Concrete and Timber Piles and Steel Sheet Piling
  • Measurement of Timber and Associated WorkGeneral Principles- Worked Example of Measurementof Timber jetty
  • Measurement of MetalworkGeneral Principles- Worked Example of Measurementof Steel-framed Gantry
  • Measurement of Roads and PavingsGeneral Principles- Worked Example of Measurementof Estate Road
  • Measurement of PipeworkGeneral Principles- Worked Examples of Measurementof Sewer and Water Main
  • Measurement of TunnelsGeneral Principles- Worked Example of Measurementof Cast Iron Tunnel Lining
  • Measurement of Rail TrackGeneral Principles- Worked Examples of Measurementof Railway Track
  • Measurement of Sewer and Water Main Renovation andAncillary WorksSewers: Renovation Techniques- Sewers: RenovationMeasurement- Water Mains: Renovation Measurement-Worked Examples
  • Bill Preparation Processes.


  • Amount of construction work

Before comparing the methods used to measure construction work with those used in construction work, it is necessary to take into account the structure and nature of construction work in order to fully understand and understand the need for different methods of measurement. working on these final tasks. This comparison mainly involves the use and guidance of quantitative researchers, most of whom are interested in measuring buildings. Civil engineering covers many different fields, some of which are large. Cut hard and on edge; large, concrete structures such as building structures in power plants, reservoirs, seawalls, bridges and cooling towers; steel structures are built large; testing of heavy foundations; piers, bars and dry docks; long pipelines, tunnels and railways are the subject of construction contracts. Civil works can also include construction projects in concrete, steel, brick and woodwork, and general civil works such as roads, bridges, sewers, waste treatment works. Aqueducts, reservoirs, water towers, protection works of rivers and seas, landfills, marinas and swimming pools are carried out on behalf of various companies, as described in Rijkswaterstaat. 7 These jobs require significant skill, expertise and technical knowledge in design and construction. The use of new materials and techniques is constantly changing the nature and construction methods used in these projects, and the growth and scale of these works require great knowledge and skill to measure and value them. Some activities involve uncertainties, such as excavation for deep foundations or laying underground pipes under highly variable conditions.Many construction projects are carried out on river banks or seashores and in sea-level wetlands, making the work even more complex and difficult. For these reasons, it is important to use a measurement code specifically suitable for this type of work. Due to the size of many structures, it is recommended that the approved measurement code be simple to avoid measuringartifacts and small objects, some of which were performed individually during the measurement of structures before the release of SMM7. 6 The word ‘labor’ refers to relatively minor work involving labour, excluding tools, such as making the edges of bricks or drilling holes in wood. There is also more uncertainty due to the nature of the work than in construction work, and the measurement method needs to be flexible enough to take into account differences in construction methods used and changes made during construction. Construction works required by the nature of the location. The main function of the overall project is to be able to obtain costs for the project in a uniform manner and exact parameters cannot always be prepared at the ‘flying’ stage. The amount must always be accurate as the drawings and other data permit, but may be varied upon measurement of the work completed on siteand the work will be valued as done, at the price paid or estimated. It is usually a ‘weighing and valuation contract’. A significant amount of temporary labor may be required during the construction of the structures and the contractor will have to cover the costs of these works with a portion of the funds..

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