Greywater, green landscape how to install simple water saving irrigation systems in your yard ( Free PDF )


  • Plan your home water system
  • Water system
  • What is fresh water?
  • Types of water supply systems Health and safety aspects Fresh water in cold weather.
  • Fresh water source and water Know your water source Your home’s plumbing, sewer and Investment System Fresh water source Overview of freshwater resources .
  • Compare your water quality Code corresponds to one person Tel Weekly calculation of fresh water→ Get different flow rates Ingredients .
  • Soil and mulch fields Soil structure and types .
  • Planting and irrigation Plant selection for freshwater Irrigation for years How much water do my plants need Soap friendly .
  • Selecting the water supply System Concepts When fresh water isn’t a good idea Fresh water use at home Cleaning the toilet Fresh water irrigation options System Water System shutdown time .
  • Rules and Regulations Brief history of Grey Water code Water code: application and explanation .


In August 2012, I was sitting in a radio studio with former water teacher and then Oakland Superintendent Jeff Hutcher, talking about water in the American public media story. When I met Jeff in 1999, I never imagined this moment. I was a student at his water school, eager to learn the practical skills of building sustainable water. At the time, he was shocked to hear about the “Frankenstein” water system and refused to answer questions about the school’s illegal water system (he was, after all, a city inspector.)> He and I work together to simplify every situation and make legal water use simple.For the past 17 years, I have been designing and building simple residential water systems: wastewater systems,

rainwater collection systems, and composting toilets. Once, my friend and housewife Cleo Woelfle-Erskine and I cut off our water supply to swim outdoors. I could not even imagine that this beautiful irrigation water would mix with the water. We taught it to our friends and wrote down how and why. Our group ‘Grey Water Guerillas’ emerged from these projects.

We later worked on an anthology called Dam Nation: Shipping Water, which incorporated wastewater reuse, rainwater harvesting, and composting into the broader political context of watershed water on Earth. Some plumbers joined our group: Christina Bertea, the first woman to join the Local 159 Plumbers and Steamfitters Association,

and Andrea Lara, then a coach. With their contributions, we expanded our knowledge and updated our designs. Andrea, Christina, and I have taught many workshops in the Bay Area and Southern California. As our state entered a drought that lasted for years, we could not keep up with the demand. Each workshop is fully booked with a waiting list. I have taught atgreen festivals, university associations, churches, and secondary schools.

Since all our work was illegal according to state law at the time, we were busy changing the law. In 2009, the state of California revised its gray water regulations, making many water systems legal.

We changed our group that year to “Grey Water Action: For Sustainable Aquaculture” to present our goals and strategies to a different audience.We continue to provide hands-on workshops and train professionals who want to offer these services to their clients. We teach people concepts and practical skills in a week-long class and it’s over

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