Introduction to Engineering Fluid Mechanics ( Free PDF )


  • Introduction
  • fluids What is fluid mechanics?
  • Water mechanics in nature
  • External debts
  • Closed circles
  • Objects flowing with liquids
  • Water and solids
  • Density of water ρ
  • Atoms, molecules and moles
  • Complete gas law
  • Continuation of the hypothesis and molecular tools of free process
  • State water balance
  • Specific volume c volume v, relative density σ and weight w
  • Dynamic viscosity (viscosity) μ
  • Kinematic coefficient v
  • Non-Newtonian water
  • Elastic modulus K and quantity of compression
  • Speed ​​of sound c
  • Air pressure pV, boiling and cavitation
  • Surface temperature σ and contact angle θ
  • Units of measurement, measurements, and analysis of measurements
  • Pressure fluctuations in a fluid at rest (hydrostatics)
  • Hydrostatic force applied to the Earth’s surface
  • Definition of motion picture kinematics and equations
  • Bernoulli measure
  • Engineering applications of Bernoulli’s equation
  • Balance equations for hydrodynamic forces
  • Programmable linear dynamic analysis
  • Turn off fluid flow
  • Conical damper and fan
  • Duct slows flow
  • Transition through axial-flow turbomachinery
  • Fundamental quantity of viscous fluid flow
  • Laminar internal flow
  • Laminar boundaries
  • Turbulent flow
  • Appendix
  • References
  • Telephone book


Liquid is a solid in the form of water, gas or air. The most common examples encountered in daily life and engineering applications are water, air and steam; The second is water vapor. (Flow, pumps, compressors, spinning disks (as in computer drives), aircraft, spacecraft, road vehicles, and marine vessels. This book focuses primarily on Newtonian fluids such as water and air because their properties are independent of flow. The theory of fluid flow, also called fluid dynamics, is based on the application of Newton’s laws of motion and the law of conservation of mass. To analyze the flow of gases or vapors in which density changes due to changes in pressure (known as compressible fluids), it is important to consider the laws of thermodynamics, especially the first law in the form of flow equations.

The subject of fluid mechanics includes fluid statics and fluid dynamics. The hydrological equation relates the pressure change in a motionless fluid (as shown in Chapter 4, this limitation must be stated explicitly) and forms the basis of a simple model of the Earth’s atmosphere.

This text is intended primarily for students in mechanical engineering or other engineering disciplines where fluid mechanics is the core subject. Aviation (or space travel), medicine and architecture are disciplines in which mechanics plays an important role. This does not mean that there is no evidence that fluid flow can also be seen in other fields, such as biological technology. The human body contains many different fluid flows, some of which are as natural as air in the respiratory tract and liquid urine in the renal system. Other fluids, such as blood in the circulatory system and synovial fluid that lubricates joints, have non-Newtonian properties, as do many synthetic fluids such as paints, coatings, and pastes. A brief introduction to the rheology and flow properties of non-Newtonian fluids is given in Chapters 2, 15 and 16.

As stated in its title, this text aims to introduce mechanics to the student. It covers topics you would normally encounter in the first and second year of a three-year mechanical engineering course or the first and second year of a four-year technical engineering course, as well as some topics covered in more detail in later years. The first ten chapters cover material suitable for a first-year fluid mechanics course or module. Compressible flow, flow through axial-flow turbomachine blades, internal viscous fluid flow, laminar boundaries, and turbulent flow are discussed in the remaining eight chapters. There are many other books that have similar content but often consist of more than one calculation. Mathematics is important in analyzing fluid flow but can be kept within the abilities of most students because the emphasis here is on understanding the basic physics of. Flow factors are based on a small number of fundamental equivalents from physics-based physics. Huge numbers can be calculated between these basic parameters and the final results that can be used to solve technical problems, and the main purpose can be forgotten very easily. Basic knowledge of components is required, but not for vector analysis. Tensor text and analysis are also not required and usage of the account is limited to a minimum of.

The way some subjects are taught may seem foreign to some teachers. A basic example is dimensional analysis, which we recommend to be approached using a simple calculation method (Ipsen method) to eliminate consecutive dimensions. The author believes that this technique has pedagogical advantages over the widely used Rayleigh method; This can give the student the false (and potentially dangerous) impression that any process can be represented by simple laws. formula. The book emphasizes the importance of dimensional and quantitative analysis. The author also found that it was easier to show students the development of the linear force equation described in Chapter 9 than to use Reynolds’ transport theorem. The method used here clearly shows the relationship between the standard form F=ma of Newton’s second law of motion and eliminates the need to introduce an entirely new concept, which is ultimately a step towards achieving the final result. The treatment of compressible flow is also quite different in most texts, as simulations are often developed differently rather than differently. The analysis of turbomachines is limited to flow using axial flow machines and is largely dependent on Chapters 3, 10 and 11.’Why do we need a mechanics textbook that covers many equations and algebra when computer programs such as FLUENT and PHOENICS are now available that can calculate many flow states very well? The first question we need to consider is what it actually means in this context. The definition of the function or all elements must be in balance. In terms of fluid mechanics, the entire set of is very complex (a special part of the equation that is nonlinear, called the Navier-Stokes equation) and solves practical problems by solving simple or approximate methods. Common assumptions are that all fluids remain constant, that temperature (an important property that characterizes everything as a fluid) plays no role, that the flow is stable (that is, does not change with time at any point in the fluid) .

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