Python Programming ( Free PDF )

An Introduction to Computer Science 


  • Chapter 1: Computers and Software
  • Chapter 2: Writing Simple Programs
  • Chapter 3: Counting and Numbers
  • Chapter 4: Objects and Shapes
  • Series: Rules, Lists, and Files
  • Chapter 6: Defining Functions
  • Chapter 7 Certificate Form
  • Chapter 8: Loops and Booleans
  • Chapter 9: Modeling and Drawing
  • Chapter 10: Definition of Classes
  • Chapter 11: Data Collection
  • Chapter 12 Diagram Guide
  • Chapter 13: Algorithm Design and Iteration
  • Appendix A: Fast Python
  • Appendix C Glossary
  • Phone book


When the publisher first sent me a draft of this book, I was immediately intrigued. This book, disguised as a Python book, serves as an introduction to the beautiful art of programming, with Python being the preferred method for beginners. I have always thought that Python would be very useful in education, not only as a language but also as a native language, because in art you can start with pencil drawing instead of immediately trying to paint with oil paints.

In his foreword, the author asserts that Python, despite not being a “toy language,” surpasses the quality of the first programming language developed by Lambert Merteens, Leo Geurts, and the CWI (National Center for Mathematical Research) in the early 1980s. If I could contribute to their work, it would be a breeze. Python, a non-toy language, boasts a substantial user base and a vast array of both standard and third-party applications.

I lack teaching experience, making me unqualified to teach. However, I am a programmer with 30 years of experience. These questions both challenge understanding and encourage critical thinking.

 QUESTIONS. Readers of this book, congratulations! Your learning will yield significant rewards. I assure you that the journey will be enjoyable, especially when learning Python. When you become a software developer, you will not forget your native language.

Students studying mathematics should use this book as a basic textbook. It requires a traditional, problem-focused approach. Basic computer science skills include problem-solving, designing, and programming. Python, a non-traditional language, expresses these concepts. In me. During my teaching experience, I discovered that many students had difficulty understanding the basics of computer science and programming.

This is part of the problem. The complexity of introductory course language and materials may explain this. We wrote this book with a single goal in mind: to introduce basic computer skills without any difficulties. Using Python is crucial for this purpose. Traditional programming languages such as C++, Ada, and Java were developed to solve problems in large-scale programming by focusing on structure and were not intended to create small or discipline-specific scripts. The middle shot is simple. The recent rise in popularity of programming languages ​​such as Python (also called “agile”) represents an alternative to Python. It is simple, and it makes the experiment easier.  The answers to simple questions are straightforward and effective.

Python offers a powerful laboratory for examples. software for beginners.

Python has many features that make it a suitable choice as a first programming language. The basic principles are simple, clear, and effective. The design enables students to concentrate on the fundamental skills of algorithmic reasoning and program design, eliminating the need for hidden expressions. Students can pursue advanced studies in programming languages like C++ and Java. However, Python is not a ‘toy language.’ A true production language is one that is freely available in almost all programming software and comes standard with an easy-to-use programming language. The best part is that Python makes learning fun again.

Although I use Python as a language, teaching it is not the main focus of this book. Instead, this book uses Python to explain the fundamentals of design and programming in any language or environment. In certain areas, I have purposefully omitted features of Python that are not accessible in other languages. There are many excellent books on Python on the market; this book is an introduction to computer science. In addition to using Python, this book includes other features designed to improve your computer science skills.

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