AutoCAD Workbook for Architects and Engineers (Free PDF )


  • Introduction
  • Using this Book
  • Disks and File Storage
  • Starting AutoCAD
  • Keyboard and Mouse Functions Function Buttons
  • Entering Commands and Coordinates Windows Toolbars
  • Scroll Bars
  • Opening or Accessing Drawings Exiting AutoCAD
  • Options Dialog Box
  • Introductory Geometry and Setting Up
  • Starting a Drawing in Metric or Imperial
  • The UNITS Command
  • Choosing the Origin
  • Using PAN to get Started
  • The LIMITS Command
  • Entry of Points
  • Coordinate Entry using Absolute, Relative, and Polar Values Coordinate Entry using SNAP, ORTHO, POlAR and DYNAMIC Geometry Commands
  • View Commands
  • Alternate Units
  • Using Draw Commands and Limits
  • Using Draw Commands without Limits
  • Units Practice 1
  • Units Practice 2
  • Practice
  • Architectural
  • Mechanical
  • Woodwork
  • Help Files, OSNAP, OTRACK, BREAK, TRIM, and ERASE Understanding Command Strings
  • Object SNAPs
  • ERASE with Window and Crossing
  • UNDO and REDO
  • Using SNAP, OSNAP, and TRIM
  • Using OSNAP and OTRACK Practice
  • Architectural
  • Mechanical
  • Challenger
  • Object Selection and Modify Commands Selecting Objects Within the Modify Commands Modify Commands
  • Editing with Grips
  • Setting LINETYPEs
  • Changing LTSCALE
  • Using ROTATE, COPY, and MIRROR
  • Using ROTATE, COPY, and MIRROR Practice
  • Architectural
  • Mechanical
  • Challenger
  • STRETCH, TRIM, EXTEND, OFFSET, and ARRAY Removing and Adding Objects
  • More Modify Commands
  • Tutorial4 Modify Commands Exercise4a Practice
  • Exercise4 Practice
  • Exercise4 Architectural
  • Exercise4 Mechanical
  • Exercise4 Mechanical
  • Exercise4 Challenger
  • Entity Commands with Width
  • The PLINE Command
  • The PEDIT Command
  • The POLYGON Command
  • The SOLID Command
  • The DONUT Command the TEXT Command Multiplanes
  • Using PLINE and SOLID Practice
  • Architectural Mechanical
  • Wood
  • Challenger
  • Entity Properties: Layers, Colors, and Line types
  • About LAYERs
  • Creating a New Layer Changing LTSCALE
  • Match Properties and CHPROP Layer Filtering
  • Layers, Colors, and Line types Practice
  • Architectural
  • Mechanical
  • Challenger
  • Dimensioning
  • About Dimensioning Entering Dimensions Dimension Styles
  • The Text Tab
  • The Fit Tab
  • The Primary Units Tab
  • The Alternate Units Tab
  • The Symbols and Arrows Tab
  • Saving Dimension Styles Editing Dimensions
  • Dimensioning for Mechanical Applications
  • Dimensioning for Architectural Applications Practice
  • Architectural
  • Mechanical
  • Wood
  • Challenger
  • Text and Pictorial Views
  • Linear Text
  • Paragraph Text
  • Text Styles and Fonts
  • Editing Text
  • Using LEADER to Create Notations SNAP and GRID
  • Tutorial8a Using Text and Text Styles
  • Using Rotated SNAP and GRID to make a 2D Isometric Practice
  • Architectural
  • Mechanical
  • Wood Millwork
  • Challenger


The exercises in this book have been tested for years by students at Mohawk College and McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Since the student edition was published in January 1993, there have been many positive comments and constructive criticism. I would like to thank all my students who have been teaching CAD for the last 27 years for their cooperation in developing new projects and providing tutorials and exercises.

I would like to thank Brian McKibbin, Diego Gomez, and Trevor Garwood Jones for their generosity in allowing me to use Designs to present modern architectural projects to students.

 I would also like to thank Robert Deeks and Henry Brink for their assistance in revising the mechanical models and Ken Mercer for his careful review of the woodworking drawings.

Finally, I would like to thank Catriona Dixon and Madeleine Metcalfe of Blackwell Publishing for their work in editing this document.

AutoCAD is a popular, lightweight software system that allows users to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional drawings. This book provides a series of exercises to help you learn 2D drawing techniques in AutoCAD. Most of the 2D commands in the 2006, 2007 and 2008 versions have not changed since the 2000i version. This exercise can be used for all versions from 2000i to 2008.For those familiar with computers, learning AutoCAD will be easy as you know the default response and system settings.

System speed and user responses All instructions contained in the text of this book are contained in the written instructions. APARTMENT, LINES, ZOOM, MIRROR etc. It is a command when viewed as in this script. In this manual, system information is displayed as follows: Disks and File Folders Please note. J does not appear at the end of any entry after title 1; Used only when the user needs to click. Instead of offering other solutions, most of the diagrams in this book are small, so if your computer still has a disk drive, the disk drive can be used for file storage. Zip drives, jazz drives, storage devices and CD burners are suitable for storing large files. Always make three copies of your files. Save your files every hour to a fixed computer, C: or D: If you will be working for more than three hours, also save it to an external file system such as a flash drive. Email a copy of the file before shutting down the system.

Starting AutoCAD, The Windows environment must be configured to open AutoCAD when double-clicking the AutoCAD program icon. You will be automatically placed into the drawing.

When you first start, palettes may appear on your screen. Click the “X” to delete. For 2007 and 2008 versions, the instrument panel is available as an accessory. Select AutoCAD Classic from the toolbar.

Unfortunately, there is no way to verify how the end user exited the screen, so you may not have the necessary tools to view it. If your screen doesn’t look like the one shown below, you can open the toolbar in View Downloads (too cluttered and complicated) or right-click on a tool on the screen and choose from the list of tools you want.

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