Electromagnetic Field Interaction with Transmission Lines ( Free PDF )

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From Classical Theory to HF Radiation Effects (Advances in Electrical Engineering and Electromagnetics) Content Preface Evaluation of the electromagnetic field due to transmission lines is an important problem in the field of electrical communications. Single transmission lines and small-scale electromagnetic waves typically utilize transmission line (TL) measurements, with trans magnetic (TEM) being the dominant transmission

Practical Troubleshooting of Electrical Equipment and Control Circuits ( Free PDF )

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Content Preface There is a large gap between the concepts of electronic flow, magnetic fields, and troubleshooting in electrical equipment and industrial control systems. In this book, we try to avoid discussion—or at least limit the topic to theory—and instead focus on showing how to troubleshoot electrical problems and monitor networks.  The book enhances your

MEBasic Training Manual ( Free PDF )

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Content Preface The electric motor, in its simplest definition, is the conversion of electrical energy into usable energy. The electric motor has played an important role in the efficiency of modern industry and is responsible for the high standard of living in the developed world. Mystery shrouds the origin of the electric motor, but one

SPICE for Power Electronics and Electric Power ( Free PDF )

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Content Preface Technical means typically provide electronic power. It is a self-directed and interdisciplinary course that requires background in mathematics, electrical networks, control systems, analog and digital electronics, microprocessors, electronics, and electrical machines. Understanding the operation of an electronic circuit requires accurate knowledge of the short-term behavior of voltage and current in each element of

Electrical Machines ( Free PDF )

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Content Preface Electrical engineering students are the target audience for this book on “Electrical Machines.” Various Indian universities abroad offer courses in engineering (EE) and electrical and electronic engineering (EEE).  Candidates applying for AMIE, IETE, GATE, and UPSC will also find this information useful. Entrance exams for construction services and public services. We know that

Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering ( Free PDF )

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Content Preface .Over the past century, remarkable advances in medicine and public health have contributed to dramatic improvements in the quality of life. Diseases of aging are now the leading cause of death in humans. However, the limitations of disease-specific treatment arise from the fact that many chronic diseases develop concurrently with the disease, and

Dose, Benefit, and Risk in Medical Imaging (Free PDF)

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Content Preface Since the beginning of medical imaging and radiation therapy, which dates back hundreds of years, there has been a significant and quick advancement in the science and technology of these fields. Additionally, the field is advancing toward greater integration as the process of planning, managing, monitoring, and evaluating radiation treatment increasingly incorporates imaging

The Maritime Engineering Reference Book ( Free PDF )

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A Guide to Ship Design, Construction and Operation Content Preface The field of maritime engineering encompasses a wide range of scientific, technical, and engineering perspectives, in addition to economic, legal, and insurance considerations. The purpose of the Maritime Engineering Reference Book is to provide a first-hand reference source for those who are interested in learning

Technical Math For Dummies (Free PDF)

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For Dummies ( Math & Science ) Content Preface Technical occupations necessitate the application of technical mathematics. This is true. What motivates us to create Applied Mathematics for Beginners? If you’re there now, Whether you work at a tech company or are in school, you’ve probably discovered that many jobs require math. Many areas of