BME Brochure PAGES ( Free PDF )


  • Engineers, doctors collaborate to design new BME chair in Music City
  • External Advisory Board BME
  • Potential heart valve treatments for early pregnancy $5.3 million research funding
  • Cynthia Reinhart-King conducts research on cell bioengineering
  • A new student developed video animations and time management guides
  • 2 BME teachers appointed to their positions
  • Biphotonic center leads to early diagnosis and better surgical outcomes
  • BME division to lead next $3 million genos copy
  • Institute combines technology and surgery to accelerate progress in patient care
  • Early imaging of biological activity to improve diagnosis and treatment
  • Students design ballistic bullets and call for help when police cannot
  • College students, group of doctors come together to improve patients’ sleep
  • Graduate brings passion and purpose to Wise Wear’s health technology
  • List of BME chapters
  • BME awards and honors
  • Access
  • Financial aid
  • Support Vanderbilt BME


Michael King, chair of biomedical engineering, led the department’s 50th anniversary with a strong agenda.

It has renewed the department’s external advisory board and plans to add seven new faculty members in the coming years. He has made it his mission to raise awareness of the department, which is a five-minute drive from Vanderbilt University Medical Center, the tenth largest research center in the world and has a strong interest in both primary and secondary care.

King said: “It’s a very exciting environment.” The intersection of technology and basic science makes discovering new drugs and disease mechanisms an exciting time, and thanks to nanotechnology, gene editing, and other technologies, engineers are well positioned to impact public health and patient productivity. . ” For this purpose, a Foreign Advisory Council was proposed. The board includes academic leaders outside Vanderbilt, industry representatives, entrepreneurs with technology and medical backgrounds, BME scholars, and physicians using emerging technologies. “They give us a good look at the elite, future employers and a bit of history,” King said. “They sweat a lot and don’t kneel in political debates. This is also a way to inform the wider community about what we are trying to achieve.” King and colleagues are studying this method in his laboratory of cancers that have spread to distant tissues are developing new methods to stop metastasis. A major breakthrough has been made in a protein that treats white blood cells that attack and destroy cancer cells circulating in the bloodstream.

A less toxic and more effective method could revolutionize the way metastatic cancer is treated. The research was the most talked about topic in February. The 2016 issue 10 of the journal reviewed and inspired the latest research on the use of blood cells as drug carriers.

The development and testing of treatments in animal models of cancer that closely resemble human diseases continues in parallel with the analysis of human clinical samples from Vanderbilt and laboratory institutions. “It went really well,” King said. “We think it is a good platform to develop the next generation.” King and his family are enjoying their new home, school and more. He and Cynthia Reinhart-King, recently appointed Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Architecture, and their two sons, ages 4 and 11, share Nashville’s many recreational opportunities. King, an avid runner, said he may have passed the marathon stage, although his time in Music City USA prompted him to pick up the guitar again. He’s planning a special party to celebrate the big anniversary of the movement that pioneered it. “Even in the early days when no one was talking about translational research, engineers were working with doctors,” says. “This kind of interaction is in our DNA.” Strong relationships and proximity to a medical school can make a department more attractive to potential faculty and students. Vanderbilt’s location in the middle of Nashville, along with its reputation as an upscale “it” town, makes its case strong. “I think one of our biggest selling points is this amazing city we’re in, “said. “This is a destinatio

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