Build Your Own Electric Vehicle ( Free PDF )


  • Why electric car are still cool today!
  • Change car!
  • What is an electric vehicle?
  • Electricity
  • Battery
  • Controllers
  • Have you driven an electric vehicle recently?
  • Electric vehicles provide the “Full Experience”
  • Driving electric vehicles is fun
  • Electric vehicles stand out from the crowd
  • Electric vehicles save money
  • Electric vehicles can be planned
  • Safety first
  • Electric vehicles protect the environment.
  • Invention of electric vehicles (dispelling rumors)
  • Legend No. 1: Electric vehicles can’t go fast
  • Myth #2: Electric vehicles have limitations
  • Myth #3: Electric vehicles are not cheap
  • Legend No. 4: Electric vehicles are dead
  • Bad
  • Time to buy/build
  • Repair
  • The force is with you
  • 2 electric vehicles save the environment and energy
  • Why are electric vehicles better for the environment?
  • Protect the environment and save money too!
  • Fuel vehicles-Ef
  • So, who is to blame?
  • Solid waste disposal
  • Toxic pollution
  • Waste heat due to inefficiency
  • Electrical devices such as electric vehicles
  • Summary
  • The legacy of the internal combustion engine is environmental awareness
  • Practical answer
  • 3 History of electric vehicles
  • Time of car history
  • The age of the electric car
  • Until 1915
  • 1940 – 1989
  • After 1973: Phoenix rises rapidly
  • Third wave after 1979: EVs enter black hole
  • Mid-1960s to 1990s
  • 1990 – 2000
  • Electric vehicles of the 21st century Tesla
  • e-Box
  • Hybrid and rechargeable electric vehicles
  • The future of electric driving is near.


It’s time for the electric car. The electric vehicle (EV) has pervaded public debate on many levels. Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio recently made a movie about the need to help the environment and how oil and energy are causing the global warming problems the world is facing today. Al Gore recently won the Nobel Peace Prize for his speech and call for action on global warming/climate change. Oil prices have recently hovered around $140, $, and $4 per barrel. 50 per gallon. Electric vehicles solve many problems quickly. Electric vehicles exceed energy costs. Charging electric cars costs money. Electric vehicles have no emissions. While they charge electricity via grids, they can also charge electricity from solar energy, wind energy and other renewable sources. And if you compare the emissions of electric cars on the roads to the emissions of gasoline, electric cars are always cleaner. Additionally, as electricity becomes cleaner and our electric vehicle reduces emissions, electric cars will also become cleaner. Electricity also contributes to the development of the economy. We all know that we need to increase the number of electric cars. Electric hybrids, rechargeable engines and hybrid vehicles are all increasing electric mobility. We, as a nation, no, as a world, are increasing our participation in this sector. From China to India, from England to France, and here in the United States, electric transportation could create a new industry that will expand our industry’s ability to produce clean cars. Since the emergence of traditional car companies, electric transportation has shown great interest in producing electric cars, leaving Detroit in single file. This could increase domestic employment in America and help our economy. Our world is dependent on fossil fuels from countries that largely do not support U.S. financial interests. Sending more than $billion to politically unstable and/or anti-Western countries is a matter of national security for all of us. Another way to ask the question is: Should we send more money to Iran and Venezuela, or keep it in our pockets? That’s why I believe in pollution-free transportation. My company’s first slogan was “Dirty, No Grease, It’s Good to Be Free.” That’s the statement I want to make about this book! You’ll feel it for free when you drive the electric car. I run a membership store called ETS Energy Store, LLC ( that sells organic, natural and sustainable products for businesses, homes and organizations. I also provide electric vehicle consulting services to companies that need marketing, expertise and technical expertise for their product lines. I also run a blog called www. green life man. com, we will talk about sustainable living, energy efficiency and electric cars – green living! I own a company called Electric Transport Solutions, LLC, which sells all types of electric vehicles, and I consult with other companies to better understand the market and help them find the right partnerships. I left that company to focus on shares of ETS Energy, LLC.I am also the editor of McGraw-Hill’s new series called Green Guru Guides. These books should be published in 2009.Like Bob Brant, I am an American who rides electric trains. When I worked for the New York Power Authority, which supplied electricity to the subways, I would get very excited about driving an electric vehicle every time I rode the subways in and around New York City. However, my interest in renewable resources and energy began during my high school years at the Rockefeller College of Social and Political Sciences in Albany, New York, where I earned a master’s degree in public administration. I focus on comparative international development, focusing on the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. After reading that the World Bank was financing unsustainable and environmentally damaging projects like China’s coal-fired power plants or Brazil’s dam, which has the potential to destroy the Amazon, I decided to take my understanding to another level. To explain my master’s degree, I asked members of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and Bretton Woods institutions. I had the opportunity to directly interview project managers who oversaw billions of dollars going to China to build coal-fired power plants. I asked how the Bank could finance a green energy project if it did not have a trap or technology to recover emissions and use them for energy or return them to the plant for energy use. The results were not good, but since I researched the Bank, interest in environmental issues has increased and the Bank is beginning to work on economic and environmental development. Although they still have much work to do, it is clear that progress is possible. This interest in understanding how organizations can create better programs for the environment, energy efficiency, and economic development (all together) led me to work at the New York State Research and Development Agency (NYSERDA). While at NYSERDA, I was the project manager for USDOE’s Clean Cities Program (a grassroots program supporting sustainable energy projects) for five of New York’s seven clean cities. I also led Projection the Clean Air/Clean Water Bond Act, which provided more than $100 million in additional funding for travel companies to purchase gasoline-powered buses. I was transformed when I sponsored and realized the benefits of electric cars or electric buses combined with similar ones. I realized that the solution was electric driving. I really liked electric .

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